Many people begin their career as gardeners with their own raised bed. As it requires little space, offers a good working height, and keeps off specific pests, it is a very good idea. Raised beds can be used very versatilely for the growth of crops like vegetables, berries, and herbs or as a flower bed. We recommend a colourful mix. In the raised bed, many different plants find their place in the smallest spaces. To be economical, they are planted denser than they would be in a bed in the garden. Therefore, it should be considered which plants are compatible with each other and which aren’t. This kind of growth is called intercropping.
So that the soil is as effective as possible and can be used long, crop rotation should be stuck to. All plants are divided into three categories sorted by their nutrient requirements: Hard feeders, moderate feeders, and light feeders. In the first year, when the soil is still fresh and nutrient-rich, hard feeders are preferred – plants like tomatoes, peppers, and cabbage which have a very high demand for nutrients. In the second year, moderate feeders like carrots, kohlrabi, and salad, and in the third year, light feeders like beans, peas, and radish, which would even be unhappy with an excess of nutrients, follow. In the fourth year, the soil should either be replaced or given a one-year break and, meanwhile, the raised bed should only be planted with green manure plants. These are a selection of plants that only take few nutrients from the soil and even enrich it with new nutrients again.
For all people to which this seems to be too complicated for the beginning, we have developed this seed set. It contains 10 distinct crop plants which are all very unproblematic and easy to grow. The owner can already harvest diligently and collect experiences.
The beginner’s vegetable bed consists of the following vegetable and herb varieties:
Onion 'Rossa Lunga di Firenze‘ (Organic) (Allium cepa)
A traditional Spanish onion with longish shape and red colour.
Lamb’s Lettuce (Organic) (Valerianella locusta)
Very frugal salad variety for autumn/ winter with great nutty taste. Vitamins in the cold season.
Leaf Lettuce 'Salad Bowl' (Organic) (Lactuca sativa)
Beautiful regrowing curled lettuce for long harvest.
Radish 'French Breakfast' (Organic) (Raphanus sativus)
Old, French variety with decorative, red to white grading, longish radish.
Chives 'Gonzales' (Organic) (Allium schoenoprasum)
Freshly harvested onto the buttered bread – there’s nothing better!
Tomato 'Matina' (Organic) (Solanum lycopersicum)
A very early and robust variety for outdoor cultivation
Basil 'Midsize' (Organic) (Ocimum basilicum)
Very vigorous variety with midsized leaves and fine, good flavour.
Bush Bean 'Saxa' (Organic) (Phaseolus vulgaris)
"Saxa" is an established bush bean variety. Robust and relatively insensitive against the cold.
Multicoloured Swiss Chard 'Five Colours' (Organic) (Beta vulgaris ssp.vulgaris)
One of the most beautiful chard varieties of all. With its colourful appearance, it is a highlight in the bed as well as in the kitchen.
Curly Kale (Organic) (Brassica oleracea)
Curly Kale is a very fertile kale variety with strongly curled, broad, green leaves.
Italian Parsley 'Italian Giant' (Organic) (Petroselinum crispum var. neapolitanum)
Parsley variety from Italy with plain leaves which has a very fine, special flavour.
One seed sachet per plant variety.
Of course, all varieties contained can also be cultivated directly in the vegetable garden.
You’ll receive lovingly produced seeds from certified, European organic enterprises. Of course, MagicGardenSeeds is also certified and proved regularly by the control authority: DE-ÖKO-037.