In contrast to cigarettes, cigars are often associated with notions of luxury, decadence and passion. Cigar smokers enjoy celebrating their unique cigar smoking rituals, which often are followed meticulously and with great attention to detail.
This care and attention is also mirrored in the process of hand rolling a cigar. The core of the cigar, ‘the filler’, consists of a variety of different fermented; dried tobacco leafs, which are either used full-size or cut, held together by a ‘binder’ leaf, shaping the cigar. The outer, premium quality tobacco layer is referred to as ‘the wrapper’ leaf.
For this seed kit we hand selected 3 tobacco plant varieties to create your own cigars:
Virginia Tobacco 'Virginia Gold' Virginia tobacco has a high sugar content and is often used for light coloured tobacco blends.
Red Cigar Tobacco The iconic cigar tobacco classic from the Caribbean..
Kentucky Tobacco Kentucky tobacco is an impressive and incredibly robust tobacco plant variety with high yield. It is the ideal tobacco species for first time tobacco growers.
The seeds of each variety are packaged in a separate sachet.
The seed sachets and detailed growing instructions in German and English are packed in a beautiful gift box - a great, sustainable gift for the garden. Any plant lover will be pleased.
Sowing instructiones:Pre-culture from
February. Sprinkle seeds only on substrate and press lightly, do not cover with soil. Germination at approx. 20°C. Temper and plant in May. Planting distance 40 cm in the row and 40-60 cm between rows. Regular hoeing, piling up, regular fertilizing and above all a good water supply let the tobacco plants thrive wonderfully.
As beautiful as the tobacco blossoms are, they should soon be removed (so-called beheading) if you really want to process the tobacco leaves. First of all, more leaves are formed and these become much larger. Above all, however, the nicotine content in the leaves remains higher.