Tomatoes are often huge and vigorous plants and require an abundant supply of nutrients. This is why companion planting with tomatoes is only possible to a very limited extent. Of course, it makes sense to plant culinary herbs underneath them. Basil and parsley are best suited for this purpose, as they will also be useful later for many tomato dishes and recipes. The following 5 plant varieties are included in this intercropping seed set:
Tomato 'Black Crimea' organic (Solanum lycopersicum)
The tomato 'Black Crimea' probably comes - as the name suggests - from the Crimean peninsula. The dark red-brown-violet, flat round fruits are a real taste experience.
Yellow tomato 'Goldene Königin' organic (Solanum lycopersicum)
The yellow tomato variety 'Golden Queen' has been cultivated since about 1870. It produces many yellow fruits with a very mild, rather sweet taste and little acidity.
Tomato 'Zuckertraube' organic (Solanum lycopersicum)
Also known under the name "Mexican honey tomato". Very robust, vigorous and productive red cocktail tomato.
Basil 'Medium' organic (Ocimum basilicum)
'Medium' is a lush growing basil variety with medium sized leafs and a particularly fine aroma.
Parsley 'Mooskrause' organic (Petroselinum crispum)
‘Mooskrause’ is an exuberantly well growing robust parsley variety, with dark green curly leafs and a pronounced savoury aroma.
The seeds of each variety are packaged in a separate sachet.
Intercropping or companion planting is the implementation of a sensible crop balance in your vegetable patch, just as nature demonstrates it. Although the competition between plants is usually intense, as every plant strives to get the most light, water and nutrient conditions, there are always so-called companion plants. This term refers to plant species that can live well side by side because they do not interfere with each other but very often actually support and strengthen each other. Those companions are sure to create a good and balanced neighbourhood in your vegetable patch.
We have developed a series of intercropping and companion planting seed sets. Each set contains 3 to 6 plant varieties, which are very well suited for cultivation as companion species. In most cases, these are vegetables and herbs. It is possible to alternate the companion plants in rows, within a row or also in mixed variety as it happens with square-foot gardening.
The immediate neighbouring plants should complement each other and not attack each other‘s basis of life. Ideally you will find neighbours such as carrot and salad (deep roots and shallow roots) or cabbage and peas (heavy and feeble demand in nutrients) or maize and pumpkin (sun- and shade-loving plants).
You will receive seeds that have been lovingly produced at certified European organic farms. Of course, MagicGardenSeeds GmbH is also certified and regularly inspected by the controlling body: DE-ÖKO-037.