Thistles – boldly expressive prickly perennials

We absolutely love thistles and it’s a passion we’re keen to share with you.
Thistles are fascinating plants that grow in many parts of the world. They belong to the Asteraceae plant family and there are more than 2,000 different thistle species, varying in size, shape and flower colour. Some thistles have striking purple or pink flowers, while others are relatively inconspicuous, and the leaves are often prickly. They can grow to considerable heights.

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Some thistle species are edible and were used as a food source in the past. The leaves and roots of some thistles can be eaten cooked or raw. Some species have medicinal properties and are used in folk medicine – Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum), for example, is valued for its protective effect on the liver.

Thistles are often associated with protection, because their thorns and prickly leaves can keep animals and people away. In some cultures, thistles are seen as protection against evil spirits or enemies. The fact that thistles can thrive in adverse conditions has sometimes led them to be seen as symbolic of resilience and staying power.

Bold and expressive, these prickly companions make an impact at any time of year. They’re a great food source for insects and birds – and may well be among the winners as the climate changes: they cope remarkably well with drought and heat.
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