When it comes to home-grown fresh salad greens for winter, lamb’s lettuce is what instantly springs to mind for most people. But that’s just one of a huge range of options.
Here’s a quick tour of the salad varieties you could choose and how to grow them successfully outdoors without any heating – so that you can feast on your own home-grown fresh green salad all winter long.
Winter salad covers a range of different salad varieties that are specifically suitable for growing and harvesting in the cold winter months. These salads are especially resistant to low temperatures and can even survive frosts. Because of this they can mostly grow outdoors all winter long without protection.
Growing winter salad has a long tradition. Back in medieval times people were fully aware of the benefits of winter-hardy plants. Lamb’s lettuce, for example, was already being grown in Central Europe in the 16th century and was an important source of vitamins in the winter months.
Our pro tips for winter salads:
Use winter salads in the same way as leaf lettuce, harvesting the leaves one by one. The plants grow more slowly in winter and this helps them stay strong and healthy.
Space seedlings more closely together than in summer – this helps them protect each other from the wind and cold.
Broadcast sow lettuce with spinach: the spinach is more vigorous and will protect the more sensitive lettuce plants with its larger leaves. This is probably how our ancestors did it.